We have had quite a few new subscribers to the site and I wanted to reintroduce myself.
Hello and Welcome!
Hi, I'm Kim! I have lived in the frozen tundra of Wisconsin my whole life (well almost) and have been married for 35 years, have two adult daughters (twins) and currently have two dogs, Pepper and Jake.

I worked as a Registered Nurse for over 27 years and technically I still have my license but I am not nursing in the traditional sense. I became interested in essential oils over 6 years ago and started a business which has evolved over the last 3 years. I host a podcast called Midlife with Courage which as of this writing has 150 episodes posted with more to come. In 2023, I studied and attained a certification as an Aromatherapist in order to learn more about essential oils and how to use them safely.

One of my favorite places to visit is Tennessee. I have some very good friends there and last June I took my husband there. We stayed for about 5 days and it was awesome to show him everything that I love about it. Cross your fingers that I can convince him to be snowbirds down there one of these winters.

I love to be outside (except when it's super cold) and we take our dogs to local parks to explore and hopefully find shed antlers in the winter. (No luck so far.) Jake is a black Lab who loves people and has a very good nose. He is a Canine Good Citizen and can find a hidden tin with clove oil in it in no time. If you are missing your clove oil, let me know, we will find it for you :) Jake is a reading dog too and once a month he goes to our local library where children read books to him. He loves the attention and is learning a lot. Pepper is a Border Collie mix and is a sweet girl who loves to be outside too. She has had some agility training and loves to jump through and over hoops for food. In fact, she will do almost anything for food.
My human kids are grown up girls who are twins in their 30's-I guess it's time to not publicly say their age. I also have a son-in-law who is my favorite child-I know this because he gave me a shirt that says so. He is a wonderful addition to our family and fun to compete against in bean bags and fantasy football.
So that's my family and my work in a small nutshell.
Why 'Midlife with Courage?'
Sometimes I am asked about the terms midlife with courage and maybe you are curious too. When I decided to start a podcast, I wanted to reach women in midlife which I define as over 40 but really, it can be any age. I wanted to highlight women who have overcome challenges or woke up one day and decided that life is too short to be unhappy or stuck. I was one of these women, I felt like I have always lived to do what others wanted me to do and now it was my turn to do anything I needed or wanted to do. It's a very liberating feeling!
Don't get me wrong, I have no regrets about the path I have taken, I love my family and my career. I reached a point where it was time to refocus on what I wanted...so I did.
By sharing the stories of other women who have done amazing things or survived the lowest of lows and came out stronger, I inspire other women to do the same. We all have stories and while they may not all be earth-shattering and dramatic, they are important and show us what we can do. I share women just like you so that you can see YOUR value and start living every moment for YOU.
If you are new to the podcast and this site, WELCOME and THANK YOU for listening and checking things out! I hope you find value in what I share. If you have ideas and feedback for me, please reach out via email at midlifewithcourage@gmail.com. Take a look at my past episodes for more inspiration and encouragement. And stay tuned for some great guests coming up including a group episode with three lovely ladies where we talk about the challenges of midlife and some coping strategies.
If you are a regular listener, THANK YOU for being here and supporting me in this inspirational journey!
Until next time, take care of your beautiful self and I'll talk to you soon!
Love this Kim, I enjoy your writing and perspective, glad to have found you and your business. :)